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One day at a time. One step at a time.
Overcomers is a Christ-centered 12-step program. Overcomers not only teaches you how to stay sober, but how to live in freedom.
Overcomers began in the mid-1980s when a young man who was newly clean and sober, wanted to reach out to fellow addicts and show them the freedom he found in Christ. Since that time, the group has grown into an international ministry that is still reaching those caught in the vice of life controlling issues.
We keep our confidence in the power of Christ Jesus to set anyone at liberty who is willing to submit to the Lordship of Christ in their life. The Overcomers program teaches people how stay in recovery while buidling a closer relationship with Jesus.
We meet every Thursday at 6pm at the Reach Center 1326 Rossi Rd, Mountain Home, AR 72653
For more information on Overcomers Recovery Support, please visit, www.recoverysupport.org.